
Immune Responses to Viruses Targeted as a Cause of Autism

Hello, I am back again but this time I want to share a recent finding with you about one of the speculated causes of Autism spectrum disorder- our immune systems responses to viruses and its impact on certain infections during pregnancy. I know a lot of moms would be eager to learn more about this and brace up for preventive measures. its still very experimental and not foul proof or conclusive.

I can tell you however, that there isn’t a certain, 100% confirmed cause for the disorder just tonnes speculations and loads of emotional arguments and nearly frustrated research efforts, many which have closely but unsucessfully tried to pin down autism to vaccines, heavy metal poisoning and a host of others. the science world have never been so much at logger heads and controversial as with the mystery of autism- perhaps, myths.

Recently, a team of researchers from the University of Columbia contributed to our speculations(but this time, a bit more emprically) that autism could be caused by certain maternal infections during pregnancy. Really, I was amazed when I stumbled across this finding last week and I know some of you reading this will also be surprised. Who could have thought that there is a possibility that having an infection during pregnancy could be responsible for a pervasive neuro development delay? lets feed our inquisitive minds and i hope i do not leave you more confused.

The study was carried out on 442 mothers of children with ASD against a total of 464 mothers of children without ASD. These women were tested for immune responses to four viruses known to cause a child defect including rubella, herpes simplex virus 1 (which causes cold sores) and HSV 2 also known as genital herpes. The researchers found out that there is more likelihood that the women who gave birth to male children with ASD had the herpes simplex virus 2. However, the same conclusion could not be drawn with female children as there were few in the study. (Another barrier?)

I know some mothers may argue that they never had an infection, remember that no two systems work the same or bodies are alike and infections may not have physical signs in some women. Besides I'm sure the science world will be bracing up on aggressive research to validate or refute the claims.

The study mentioned that it is not the herpes virus itself that causes autism but rather the mother’s immune response to the infection In other words, the research is saying that not all women with HSV 2 would end up giving birth to children with autism but it is rather dependent on the immune reactions to the infection in the women.

The specific causes of autism are still unknown, but many believe a combination of genetic factors play a role. However, evidence suggests that both genetic and environmental factors play a role. Herpes simplex virus 2 could be one of any number of infectious agents involved.

Wow! I know this is quite overwhelming but we need to take some necessary precautions as women. As you know, we cannot control our immune responses to infections so it is advised that women should get tested for infections regularly especially before getting pregnant and during pregnancy as well, in order to prevent the distortion of brain development of a child. Again, vitamins are our friends. fortify and boost your immune systems with tasty healthy fruits and vegetables, garlic, and other immunowarriors...just as a saftey precaution and just incase there are some truths to this revelation